We stepped into the kitchen, hand in hand, where everyone was in the kitchen. I glanced at Seth and raised an eyebrow. He gave me a nod and I went off to speak with Isabelle, Maia, Clary and Jocelyn. "My room, second floor, five minutes. Meet me there." I whispered into each of their ears and they gave me a puzzled look and agreed. Seth however, had asked everyone but Magnus to meet him t the library. I sighed and walked over to him. "Magnus," I began. I noticed everyone leaned forwards to hear my new. I sighed. "You know what? I think I'll just show you." I put a hand on his forehead and showed him standing on the altar pronouncing Seth and I husband and wife while wearing sparkly gold eyeshadow. I heard his intake of breath and pulled my hand away. He started nodding immediately. "Of course, of course!" He cried and swept me into a huge hug. "Of course! It's a huge honor to ma-" I covered his mouth with my hand and shook my head warningly at him. He nodded slowly and I put down my hand and strode out of the kitchen and into my room. Five minutes later, Izzy, Maia, Clary and Jocelyn appeared at my door. I dragged them onto my bed and started immediately. "Listen. We've got ten minutes before Maryse and Robert come back. Seth is giving the rest the same prep talk. You 4 are attending my wedding in two days. You're gonna be my bridesmaids." Isabelle squealed and I winced. "My maid of honor is an old time friend called Alice Cullen. You guys will be wearing this." I held up the purple dress. "Izzy, you can do the make-up on everyone except for Magnus. He's going to have sparkly gold eyeshadow. Alice is shopping for your dresses right now. I don't have a mother to approve of my dress but I could at least ask you guys." I held up the picture of my dress and izzy squealed again. "It's beautiful." Jocelyn smiled warmly at me. 

"I need you guys to be up and about at about nine. And nobody gets hurt or in a fight, understand?" They all nodded. "Somehow, I think I should be telling Jace instead. Oh well, lets go welcome Maryse and Robert back!"

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